Below is an author interview with New Pulp Tales author, David Henry! What inspired your recent story, The Shrine of the Skull? I'd been wanting to try an old school D&D flavor for a
Continue ReadingFor centuries the dragon’s dry bones lay beneath the earth, in darkness undisturbed by the rising and setting sun, the brightness of stars, and all the fires in the hearths of the upper world.
The Shrine of the Skull V – For Gold and Glory
This is the fifth and final part of an ongoing series. Follow the links to parts one, two, three, and four. For centuries the dragon’s dry bones lay beneath the earth, in darkness, undisturbed by the
Continue ReadingAcross from the dwarf, on a broad platform at the other side of the sanctuary, a bestial skeleton the size of a house lay curled like a dog.
The Shrine of the Skull IV – Brothers in Blood
This is part four of an ongoing series. Follow the links to parts one, two, and three. The maze was the last trial the ancient priests prepared for those who might intrude on the Shrine
Continue ReadingBoots struck stone as Lofric raced through the maze, turning right at every corner.
The Shrine of the Skull III – The Light Returns
This is part three of an ongoing series. Follow the links to parts one and two Boots struck stone as Lofric raced through the maze, turning right at every corner. The darkness danced back from
Continue ReadingThe Shrine of the Skull II – Separation
This is part two of an ongoing series. Look here for the beginning of the adventure. Lofric peered back down the tunnel into ravening darkness. If the kobolds came back, all that stood between their
Continue ReadingThe Shrine of the Skull I – Black Beneath Stone
The clouds pressed low and heavy, a gray blanket of rippled lead. The air was thick and warm. A breeze moaned among the rocks and the withered trees, but brought no relief. They had ridden
Continue ReadingThe Shadowed Circle Compendium
The Shadowed Circle Compendium is a must have for fans of The Shadow. This book collects material originally published in The Shadowed Circle magazine as well as articles exclusive to this book. It’s an excellent
Continue ReadingAuthor Interview with E.C. Skowronski
Below is an interview with New Pulp Tales author and editor, E.C. Skowronski! What inspired your recent story, The Doomed Voyage? The Doomed Voyage started—as many pulp stories have—with one simple idea: “Uh,
Continue ReadingThe Doomed Voyage: Part 8
Read previous installments here. From the logs of Hoplite Sutton Asher: Six hundred twenty-seven days after leaving our crash site in the Odyssey, we arrived at Ithacor. Six hundred fifty-seven days I could have confessed
Continue ReadingThe Doomed Voyage: Part 7
Read previous installments here. From the logs of Kyber Myla Bronson: I stared down at the system coming up on the navigational scanners. Scylla. From there it would only be a couple weeks to Ithacor.
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